Tian Liang Star of Zi Wei Dou Shu

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Zi Wei Dou Shu is an ancient Chinese astrological system tool used to predict good and bad luck in a person's life. Today we are going to introduce the Tian Liang star (The Scholar/Protection Star). Principle-oriented and prideful. He is strong willed and he is rather firm when it comes to principles and traditions that are important and to his belief.

💎Tian Liang star in the Self palace:The Tian Liang star residing in the Self Palace relates your character, behavior, talents.

💎Tian Liang star in the Spouse palace:The Tian Liang star residing in the Spouse Palace relates your romance luck and the kind of characteristic you are attracted to.

💎Tian Liang star in the Wealth palace:The Tian Liang star residing in the Wealth Palace relates your earning capacity, money management.

This star represents longevity and symbolizes inner purity, functioning as a savior. Individuals under this star inevitably encounter difficulties, and it is only after overcoming these challenges that the star provides salvation. Some practitioners even consider it a bearer of troubles. For instance, if this star is in a person’s Spouse sector, they will face pre- and post-marriage problems, ultimately leading to harmony due to the challenges they’ve overcome. Similarly, when placed in the Wealth sector, it brings significant difficulties before yielding substantial income. This star is also known as a media star, making it suitable for those engaged in mass media. Its advantages include having a good heart, being straightforward, having religious beliefs, and an affinity for studying religion or philosophy. People influenced by this star prioritize inner purity, maintain detachment from worldly matters, make firm decisions, assist others, and uphold their principles. However, their weaknesses include being hard-hearted, lazy, aloof, picky, meddling in others’ affairs, and acting impulsively.

The Tian Liang star’s hard character is almost similar to the Qi Sha star, the difference is that the Qi Sha star has a soft heart but the Tian Liang star is stubborn. Once they made a decision, they won’t cancel it. Because of this character, they prefer to be alone rather than living in a group. That’s why people with this star in their Self sector, although they have a wide social circle, they have few close friends. There are some lucky stars formation related to this star, namely Ji Liang Jia Hui which is when the Tian Ji star and Tian Liang star are together in the Chen or Xu position. A person with this arrangement would be an excellent student, with high academic grades and would be well suited to be a researcher in the sciences. In addition, if they are engaged in spirituality, they can become a religious leader. When the Tian Liang star is conjoined with the Wen Qu star in the Self sector into stars formation called Wen Liang Zhen Ji, such a person is very good at communication, good at argumentation, has skills in arithmetic and is suitable to be a lawyer and work in the Government. They can be successful and rich because of this occupation. Another famous stars formation is Yang Liang Chang Lu where the Taiyang star, Tian Liang star, Wen Chang star and Hua Lu are in the Self sector of Mao‘s position. This kind of person has high academic achievements, and has a high social position suitable for working in the field of Government. Another famous star formation is called Shou Xing Ru Miao where the Tian Liang star is in the Self sector of the Wu position, because in this position the Tian Liang star is very bright, so this kind of person looks very mature in thought, straight, has good manners, is very learned and usually has a long life.

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