How to increase your YouTube stream views

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YouTube live stream is a great way to engage with your audience and grow your brand. But, creating a successful live stream isn't just about going live. You need to learn how to get more views to reach a larger audience and grow your channel. In this article, we'll explain some proven strategies that will help you increase your youtube live stream viewers.

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Promote your livestream on social media


Social media is a powerful platform for promoting your live stream. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms provide a great opportunity to reach out to your followers and let them know that you're going live. You can share your livestream link with a catchy message, along with some teasers about what's to expect. This encourages your followers to tune into your live stream on YouTube.


Collaborate with other YouTubers


Collaboration is a great way to grow your YouTube audience and increase your live stream views. Collaborating with other YouTubers who have a similar audience will expose your channel to their followers, and vice versa. This way, you will have a vast audience in real-time during your live stream. It is essential to work with another YouTuber to gain a cross promotion audience.


Optimize your title and description


Apart from promotion tips, it is necessary to optimize the title and description of your live stream. Your video's title and description should be catchy and informative, letting viewers know what to expect from the live stream. It is essential to maintain the difference between the keyword and attractive title, as it increases your video's SEO. Make sure you add the crucial keyword in the title and description that describes your YouTube live stream video.


Engage with your audience


There's an almost obvious advantage to livestreaming, and that’s that it makes your content feel more real and personable. Live interaction invites engagement from the audience, and it sets up the potential for your Youtube live stream videos to go viral. Engage with your audience throughout the live stream, and answer their questions and comments. This method will help you promote your video on the spot and build a stronger connection with your viewers.


Cross-promote old YouTube video on YouTube’s live chat


During your live stream, you can talk about your previous videos and recommend them to your audience. You can explain the content on the YouTube Live chat, providing value to your viewers and driving traffic to your old videos. This method will help you increase your audience and views across your YouTube content.



Live streaming your content is an excellent way to create a connection with your audience and build a community around your brand. It might be challenging initially to increase views, but you don't have to fret. Promoting it on the mainstream will increase viewership, collaborate with Influencers or YouTubers to get a crossover audience, optimize your keywords, and engaging with your audience will make sure your live streaming gets the attention to grow your YouTube channel.

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