What is VPAT? Do I need to generate a VPAT for my product?

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What is VPAT?

The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a document on the accessibility of products that comply with the Section 508 standard. It can be considered as an accessibility compliance report for various information and communication technology (ICT) products such as applications, software, websites, electronic products, and documents.

This document describes how a particular product meets or complies with the Revision 508 standard for IT accessibility. This document is issued by the product vendor itself and contains details about the location of the product in Vpat audit relation to each aspect of the Section 508 requirements and accessibility to each criterion.

The Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) officially hosts the VPAT template document. ITI offers the four versions to enable ICT vendors to create Accessibility Conformity Reports to standards appropriate for their market.

The latest VPAT version is VPAT 2.4. Check out our blog on what's new in VPAT 2.4.

VPAT documents can consist of reports based on various accessibility standards and guidelines, such as:

Section 508 (Refresh)

WCAG 2.0

WCAG 2.1

Therefore, always use the latest version of VPAT 2.4 when creating reports.

Now we need to get back to the real question about generating a VPAT for a technology product. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires government agencies to make ICT accessible to people with disabilities. If you are an ICT company that does business with a federal agency, you must provide a VPAT.

It is the vendor's own free will to offer the VPAT, but the simple and sensible answer is Yes. Yes, you must create for your technology product. Because government agencies choose products with VPAT, products with VPAT can be useful when placing products in areas where federal procurement occurs. Without VPAT, your product could be as good as any other product available on the market, so your chances of losing money are very high.

As a VPAT supplier, BarrierBreak works with its customers to create effective and complete VPATs and ACRs for its products. Discuss your VPAT strategy with an accessibility expert today.

Now let's understand that VPAT isn't everything.

What is not all about VPAT?

Companies may be hesitant to write a VPAT report on their products as they may think their products will be displayed in poor lighting. It's not like that. It is important to know that the VPAT is not a black-and-white statement of the suitability of a product. In fact, it is a report on the overall level of conformity of a product.

The VPAT is not intended to list all issues, but rather to provide an overview of the successes and challenges found in the product.

What are the benefits of creating a VPAT?

VPAT indicates that the product complies with Section 508 standards. It is an important document for both businesses and buyers.

It helps to increase sales and increase sales.

Help companies recognize and address accessibility gaps and challenges in their products. VPAT is a measure that allows a company's employees to access products that can work toward the common goal of developing accessible products. VPAT reports allow companies to identify areas in need of improved accessibility of their products and continue to work towards the quality of their products.

Helping buyers make informed decisions before purchasing ICT products. VPAT helps buyers understand the level of accessibility and suitability of a product. The procurement process is hassle-free as buyers can get all the accessibility details through VPAT instead of reading product brochures.

It helps buyers compare the suitability of similar products and choose the one that best meets accessibility standards and the functional and legal requirements of the organization. In case of embarrassment, the buyer can choose an equally accessible product when the required accessible product is not available.

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