Pruning Duplicate Photos to Sculpt Ideas for Drawing and Painting

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Drawing and painting enhance creativity and increase emotional intelligence. The practice improves the brain and memory. Artists develop strategies for solving problems while boosting their self-esteem. It is not always easy to draw and paint from photos. Artists need to know the best practices to follow. Several pitfalls must be avoided to get the best artistic presentations. Duplicate photos can hinder the creativity of an artist. They present similar backgrounds and details, which cannot trigger new ideas. Artists need to know how to prune duplicates and work with varieties. Getting rid of duplicate photos helps stir ideas for drawing and painting.

Getting started with sculpting

Getting started with sculpting can be a daunting task. However, you need to stir your creativity and value for every idea. Some people could focus on learning from other artists or self-learning. No matter the approach it is necessary to know the right sculpting tools to use. In the past, artists did sculpting using techniques such as casting and curving.

In modern times, computers have made the work simpler. There is an array of programs that help you do the work. One of the advantages you get is that you do not have to start from scratch. You can glean ideas from multiple sculpture photos published online.

It is okay to do comparisons from different photos. You should not plagiarize another artist’s work. Moreover, you must not work with duplicate photos. Doing so could hinder your creativity. Pruning the duplicates can help improve your painting and drawing. You will get rid of clutter and gather uniquely inspiring photos. Whenever you get rid of duplicate photos, it allows you to focus on originals only. Find out the best cleaner iOS apps to help you to deal with these annoying issues. You create ample space for stirring fresh ideas and improving your creativity. Pruning eliminates repetition leaving you with a broader way of exploration. You can view the different perspectives of different images.

Application of creative image pruning in art

Creative pruning brings a finer touch to your painting and drawing work. It brings out the finer details in art that evoke emotions. This same creativity can be applied in duplicate image pruning. The process involves the removal of images that will not add value to your creativity. Before gathering photos to help you gather ideas, the first step you take is research.

The process helps you gather images from different sources across the world. Once you complete the gathering, the next step requires segmenting the photos. In this process, you classify them and remove the duplicates. You could have hundreds of photos saved in a file. If you choose the manual method, it is easy to overlook or bypass some duplicates. There are different methods to do this.

  • On the computer, open to view images. Arrange the view by item type, name, or file details. Select duplicates to delete them.
  • You may also use an inbuilt app on a computer or phone. Use the app to clean the images by removing duplicates.
  • Download a duplicate removal tool from Apple Store or Google Play. The tool scans deep and removes every duplicated file.

Generating ideas from photos to use in drawing and painting

You need to put everything in writing before you draw that emotion-triggering art. First, gather all the images you want to get ideas from into one file. Take time to brainstorm and focus deeply on them. Create a description for each photo and a subject for it. Write the image properties and the message they communicate.

You may engage friends or an online community and ask questions. Each response that you get can give you excellent ideas. Next, begin to draw or paint the ideas that come into your mind. Make several compositions or layouts of the ideas. From the loose sketches that you make, begin perfecting them. It might not be important to focus on quantity at this point.

Spend time working on the details. Once you gather the finer details, begin to add the effects. Start to customize the drawing or painting depending on the audience you are targeting. In the final step, share your art to gather feedback. Let a specific audience criticize the art. You will get room to improve it.

Advantages of pruning duplicate images in art

Duplicates increase clutter and overwork the mind. When you have too many similar photos to handle, it could create confusion and stress. Pruning eliminates the clutter allowing you to have a clean workspace. With fewer and unique photos, your creative process improves. It offers you the chance to gather fresh ideas from uniquely selected images. Duplicate removal prevents repetition and harnesses exploration. Your workspace stays organized and offers room for more collections. Your efficiency improves and your gadget works at optimal speed.


Perfect drawing and painting rely on creatively gathering ideas from different sources. One of the sources is photos published across the internet. The images may hinder your creative process if you work with so many duplicates. It is important to prune them and work with the best only. This allows you space for innovation and extends your space for ideas.

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