Forget about aiming blindly. A purposeful career requires an in-depth look at your identity. An understanding of your passion, and skill sets, is what builds a whole personality. This personality is responsible for finding a career that fulfils you on a deep level. Am I choosing the right career would forever be in question until you would discover how to rightfully pick a career that matches your personality. Your career should blend in perfectly just like the chocolate chips in your ice cream. This now acts as a call to action, a road map that will help you use your personality as a compass to find your way through the bewildering maze of career possibilities.
Step 1: Forget that One Size Fits All
Everyone deserves a career that celebrates their unique personality quirks and unleashes their hidden magic.
- Where do you see yourself?: Imagine your ideal workspace. Not the one your parents envisioned, not the one society deems prestigious, but the one that makes your heart sing. Do you picture yourself lost in a symphony of data, analysing patterns like a digital Sherlock? Or maybe you see yourself crafting worlds with code, building piles of data each day which then well goes into nothing. Therefore, your vision needs a little bit of sparkle. That sparkle is part of who you are and what you think you would be great at.
- Guiding Lens: Whatever your vision, the key lies in understanding the layers of your personality. Give yourself the lens and the time to guide you towards your desired career. The one career where you would love to work and experience the world.
Step 2: Unmasking Your Inner Superhero
- Personality Types & Tests: Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder – these are your decoder rings, decoding the hidden messages of your personality. Are you a stoic architect, meticulously constructing plans, or a charismatic diplomat, weaving connections with your smile? Understanding your type sets the stage for targeted exploration. You can find your personality type through online free personality tests.
- Uncovering Your Values: What makes your heart beat faster? Is it championing social justice, pushing creative boundaries, or nurturing relationships? Identify your core values and actively seek roles that align with them. Imagine your ideal work canvas – what colours are your professional masterpieces? These values become your guiding stars.
- Skills Inventory: Take stock of your hidden talents! Are you a wordsmith, a data whisperer, or a master negotiator? Recognising your strengths helps you find roles where you can truly shine. Don't underestimate seemingly "simple" skills – you might be the missing piece in someone else's puzzle.
Step 3: Ditch The Mainstream Dream
- Creating Roadmap: Now, that you know your personality types, skills and values, it's time to build your career roadmap. This career roadmap should consist of the job that you find will enhance your skill set and welcome your personality.
- Identify Strength: Examine career paths that complement your strengths and personality type. See if the daily spells performed by people in diverse industries may ignite a light in your soul. Talk to them, and if you can, shadow them. Talk to people in different fields, shadow them if possible, and see if their daily spells cast a spark in your soul.
Step 4: Embrace the Unconventional
- Ditch the "Dream Job" Myth: Sometimes, the perfect career is a mosaic, pieced together from various passions and skills. Your ideal role might lie at the intersection of seemingly disparate interests – embrace the unexpected!
- Welcome Flexibility: Your path might twist and turn, leading you to unexpected treasures. Don't be afraid to change course if your magic aligns with a new direction. Remember, career growth is rarely linear – detours can reveal hidden gems.
- Prioritise Learning over Titles: Seek roles that stretch your skills and ignite your curiosity. Growth, not just status, is the true elixir of career satisfaction. Don't chase empty titles – chase opportunities to learn, evolve, and contribute your unique magic. What sets successful people apart from the average herd is their willingness to upskill and engage in continuous learning. Working professionals can leverage online learning courses to ensure they stay ahead of the competition.
Why Choosing a Career According to Your Personality is Important?
There are multiple reasons why you should choose your career according to your personality and skill set but here are the top 04 reasons why:
- Boosts Confidence: Choosing your career based on your personality would guide you to a better understanding of yourself and your skills. This would also assist you in growing in your career which would boost your confidence.
- Increases Productivity: You can identify your strengths and weaknesses as a self-aware person. This allows you to assign jobs outside of your area of expertise and concentrate on your strengths. Being more cognizant of others' advantages and disadvantages also improves your managerial skills. Work more productively and wisely by making better use of the resources available to you.
- Increases Sense of Self: Focusing on self-awareness is another strategy for work success. This is because it requires you to think carefully about your answers and act appropriately. A sense of self is facilitated by self-awareness, which helps you perform better at work.
- Contributes to Job Satisfaction: When you are aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it, you automatically perform better. Your self-awareness about your personality is what keeps you engaged in your career. That is why choosing the right career concerning your personality will increase your job satisfaction level. You will like what you do and you will be great at it.
Important Note: Note to Self
Do not get lost in the fog of your dream job and the ‘right’ path. While you discover and enhance your career through personality analysis, it is important to keep these 03 points handy:
- Confidence is Your Armour: Have faith in the strength of your individual character and skill set. Don't allow self-doubt to dim your inner light.
- Appreciate the Journey: The learning process is an exciting journey in and of itself. Enjoy the insights, the relationships, and the excitement of finding the ideal job match. Enjoy the journey just as much as the goal.
- Serendipity Waits: Stay open to connections. The most satisfying jobs occasionally develop naturally along the road rather than showing up on your original map.
So, emerge from the shadows and let your unique individuality serve as your lantern! It's not a passive walk through the career landscape; rather, it's a purposeful journey that you must navigate using your own identity as a compass.
Never forget that this is your map and not a predetermined route. There will be obstacles and diversions, periods of uncertainty and spurts of creativity. Through it all, though, be true to your inner compass, develop your skills, and enjoy the thrilling process of discovering a job that fits your special melody.