What are The Dangers of Heroin Addiction?

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Heroin is an opiate painkiller that is highly addictive, with a risk of fatal overdose. The Dangers of Heroin addiction are many, from milder side effects like nausea and vomiting to severe ones like seizures and coma. They also include malnutrition, collapsed veins, liver disease and renal failure.

But the most dangerous effect of heroin addiction is the overdose itself. A heroin addict's tolerance for the drug may build up, leading to them taking more than their body is accustomed to. That could lead to breathing problems or fatal heart rhythms, and the person may slip into a coma or die. We at Gratitude Lodge, alcohol rehab California provide true solutions to alcoholism, drug addiction, and other addictions.

To stop the addiction cycle, we must fix our minds on the things that bring happiness. Real happiness is like a soap bubble; it's fragile and quickly dissipates with a single distraction. So if you choose to use drugs or alcohol to forget your problems, you'll only make yourself more miserable.

Other Dangers of Heroin Addiction Include

1. Heart Disease & Stroke

Heroin use can lead to several cardiovascular conditions. These include heart disease and stroke, which are associated with very high mortality rates (i.e., death). The risk factors for heart disease and stroke include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Heroin use doubles the risk of heart disease in some users, while the number of strokes is three times greater compared to non-users.

2. Liver Damage

After just one use of heroin, a person may experience brain damage to the point where they experience short-term memory loss and problems with coordination. In time, these symptoms get worse and can lead to permanent brain damage if left unchecked. Heroin Addiction include HIV & AIDS, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B. Our alcohol rehab California can help you recover from the addiction that is impacting your life.

3. Respiratory Disease

Heroin use can also lead to chronic lung disease and an emphysema-like condition, typically triggered when heroin users start smoking cigarettes. Opiates are known to cause the lungs to constrict, which leads to the need for frequent and deep breaths. For heroin addicts who lose their tolerance for opiates (i.e. become tolerant to their effects), they will begin to breathe heavily and fast, making it more difficult to catch a breath.

4. Vomiting

Heroin is highly addictive, and users may strongly urge to use it again if they do not get their fix. If they cannot get more heroin, they will feel an overwhelming desire to vomit to rid their system of the drug. If a person continues this cycle and does not seek treatment, their body will begin to reject the liver, which could result in liver failure and death.

5. Skin Abscesses

The dangers of heroin addiction include skin abscesses due to poor nutrition and skin infection. The abscesses may also develop if a heroin user injects the drug into a vein that is already damaged, which is a common occurrence among chronic users.

6. Infection and Blood-Borne Diseases

Addicts are more likely to have an infectious disease than non-addicts, especially when sharing needles with other users. Dangers of Heroin Addiction include HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B. Injecting heroin with a damaged vein also increases the risk of contracting blood-borne disease or infection.

7. High Risk of Overdose

One of the most dangerous effects of heroin addiction is overdose, which can cause death. While it is quite easy to overdose on opiates, heroin users are at an increased risk due to their tolerance levels. They are more likely to experience severe side effects than non-drug users, and a heroin overdose is even more dangerous due to the absence of a "high" feeling.

8. Seizure and Coma

Heroin use is also associated with several dangerous health conditions, such as seizures, coma and withdrawal symptoms. Seizures can cause convulsions that may lead to brain damage or death. Severe withdrawal symptoms may also lead to coma.


Gratitude Lodge is here to tell you about the Dangers of Heroin. We are here to help you escape the vicious cycle of addiction Call us at tel:+18888611658 to learn how we can help you get well. We are a safe and sober recovery community which provides necessary detoxification and treatment services for drug and alcohol addictions.

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